#2 Wasps & Bees
Wasps, on the whole are useful, they eat garden pests such as greenfly however they can become a real hazard in some situations.
Nest sizes reach their peak in late summer, August and September, but it is better to tackle them early before the nest size is too big!
There are also many types of bees, which often get mistaken for wasps, particularly mason bees which tend to nest in walls – just ring for advice if you are unsure.
We prefer not to destroy Bees however if they are presenting a significant hazard e.g. in an area close to children then please call to discuss options.

How do I know I have a Wasps nest ? - Keep an eye out for signs of wasps flying in and out of specific hole in your property
Should I block the hole ? - Absolutely not! - this is very dangerous and can result in Wasps entering into your property in an unpredictable way
Do Wasps come back year after year ? - No, Wasp nests die off in the winter - if you can see activity in the same place then this will be a new and different nest from previous year
Can Wasps fly from a neighbouring property to mine ? - No, if you can see Wasp traffic into/out of your property this is nothing to do with a nest elsewhere
Are Wasps dangerous ? - The sting is quite painful and long lasting - some people react very badly to Wasp stings - this is "Anaphylactic Shock" (an antibody-antigen reaction in the body) which may produce a state of profound collapse
How long does the treatment take ? - Depends on access to the nest but it usually takes about 40 minutes - 90% control is achieved within 2hrs and 100% control within 24hr
Is there anything I can do to stop me getting a Wasp nest ? - Not really - most people get them from time to time
Is there a specific time of the day they must be treated ? - No, professional treatments are effective when applied at any time of the day
Hampstead: 0208 819 7556
Mobile: 07962 023023